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The values, stated by evangelicals, do not match the reality of their lifestyle. Research shows that even the evangelical market is searching for answers. Barna Research indicates that 85% of evangelical parents believe it is their responsibility to provide the spiritual training for their children, and 96% believe they are responsible for teaching values to the children. 93% say that their relationship with God is top priority, followed by relationships with spouses and then the children. Yet, 75% send their children to the nations failing public schools. Only 20% regularly attend weekly church services, volunteer at the church, or acknowledge having a quiet time of their own. Well over 50% report being too busy and stressed out. 44% report they are searching for the meaning and purpose of life. At the root of the discrepancies are the lies that we have been sold, and that we believe.

Lies that we have been told:

1. Women can be Supermoms and “have it all” with no consequences
2. Women are created equal to men
3. There is always tomorrow
4. More is better
5. It takes a village to raise a child
6. If it feels good, it is ok to do it
7. Public education is not harmful
8. He who dies with the most toys, wins
9. You NEED two incomes in the home
10. It is your life; you deserve to do as you want with it


These lies promote and produce a rat race, frenzied lifestyle that does not allow for us to “walk our talk.” At stake are 75 million of our nation’s children, many of whom will become parents themselves over the next 20 years, and will be the product of the training up that they have had. It is time to expose the lies and tell the truth about raising children.

This book is intended to cause the reader to stop, think, evaluate, and to be honest about the lifestyle of her family. It presents Biblical truths, research data and personal experiences. It is intended to cause her to look ahead, see what the consequences of today’s choices will be and to re prioritize where need be. “Return to Eden” is about reclaiming the life of days gone by; understanding that the simplicity we yearn for here in the western world is one that is still possible today. It is about reconciling the desire for simplicity with the desire for modern opportunities, and finding the balance. We have to purpose in our hearts to set aside good activities and make room the best ones. “Return to Eden” exposes the lies that prevent us from creating the families that we want.

Return To Eden by MaryEllen Smith

SKU: 9781933204444
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